Grain Quality Assays

The Laboratory has 28 grain quality assays accredited under the INTE-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 ((ECA) Nº LE-028-R01,


 Accredited Assays
Grain Assays
Rough Rice
Milling yield
Bran yield
Percentage of small broken
Small broken yield
Percentage of Large broken kernels
Large broken kernels yield
Percentage of Whole kernels
Whole kernels yield
Percentage of Broken kernels
Broken kernels yield
Commercial rice yield
Heat- damage kernels & objectionable seeds
Percentage of damage kernels
Percentage of discolored kernels
Percentage of red rice
Percentage of chalky kernels
Milled Rice Dockage
Percentage of total broken kernels
Percentage of small broken
Percentage of discolored kernels
Percentage of chalky kernels
Percentage of red rice
Percentage of damage kernels
Percentage of contrasting kernels
Heat- damage kernels, objectionable seeds & paddy kernels


Non accredited assays

Grain Assays
Bean Cooking time
Odor & temperature
Moisture content
Percentage of contrasting kernels
Percentage of opened kernels
Percentage of Broken kernels
Percentage of insect damage kernels
Percentage of Total damage kernels
Percentage of other kernels
Corn Odor & temperature
General condition
Moisture content
Broken kernels & foreign material
Percentage of contrasting kernels
Percentage of Damage kernels
Percentage of Large broken kernels
Other Grains
Oven moisture
Infestation test post incubation
Moisture (indirect method)

Grain Assays Price
Rough Rice Complete ¢15000
Milled Rice Complete ¢15000
Bean Complete (Without cooking) ¢12000
Complete (With cooking) ¢24000
Cooking ¢12000
Corn Complete ¢12000
Other Grains
Oven moisture ¢9000
Infestation test post incubation ¢8000
Oven moistureMoisture (indirect method) ¢5500


Para realizar los pagos de los servicios que le brindamos puede escoger entre las siguientes opciones: 

  • Pago en efectivo en la recepción del CIGRAS
  • Mediante Cheque emitido a nombre de FUNDEVI
  • Depósito o transferencia bancaria BNCR
  • Tarjeta de débito o crédito


Cuentas del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica:
Cuenta Cliente (colones)  #15100010011400776
Cuenta Corriente (colones) #100-01-000-140077-9

Si usted realiza una transferencia o depósito bancario, por favor enviar el comprobante al correo electrónico This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  o presentarlo en la ventanilla de recepción con sus datos personales y una descripción del análisis solicitado.

© 2016 Centro para Investigaciones en Granos y Semillas - Universidad de Costa Rica.

Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio - San Pedro, Montes de Oca.  Tel: (506) 2511-3518   Fax: (506) 2511-4346