Centro para Investigaciones en Granos y Semillas (CIGRAS)
The Center for Research in Grains and Seeds (Centro para Investigaciones en Granos y Semillas - CIGRAS in Spanish) is dedicated to the scientific and technological development of the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors in post-harvest technology for seeds and grains, genetic improvement, plant biotechnology, mycotoxins, and analysis of grains and seeds; through research and the integration of its activities into teaching and social action. CIGRAS is a research unit attached to the Research Vice-Rectory of the University of Costa Rica.
Call for Graduate Studies PPCARN
More information in: Posgrados PPCARN
Food Security Special: The key to fighting hidden hunger lies in our agricultural diversity
The Disclosure and Information Office (ODI) has made a special report on Food Security, in which the news "The key to fighting hidden hunger lies in our agricultural diversity", exemplify the work and contributions of CIGRAS on this issue; contemplating the autochthonous as part of the solution.
"In this sense, CIGRAS has provided knowledge for the development of promising crops such as Pithaya and Pejibaye, which have high concentrations of antiocyanins and beta-carotene, respectively, two very important components for good health" mentions part of the note, which can be consulted in the following link: The key to fighting hidden hunger lies in our agricultural diversity.
To learn more about Food Security from a UCR approach, see the Special "Food Security: let's recover what is ours". Costa Rica naked in the face of the global food crisis.
This special is dedicated to all those people who, from the fields, in the laboratories or in the chair of public policy, do everything possible today so that we can recover what is ours: the right of every Costa Rican to a decent diet.
Publications in Mesoamerican Journal of Agronomy
Due to the CIGRAS´s 50th Anniversary, a special issue will be launch in Mesoamerican Journal of Agronomy (AGRONOMIA MESOAMERICANA: VOL. 33, SPECIAL ISSUE (SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER)). For more information about publications, go to link: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/agromeso/issue/view/3224
A cycle of virtual talks in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of CIGRAS
The Center for Research on Grains and Seeds (CIGRAS) celebrated its 50th anniversary this 2022. For this reason, it was offered a cycle of virtual talks whose theme is "Quality grains and seeds, food security for the community." All talks can be seen on the YouTube channel: Canal de YouTube - CIGRAS
A new visiting Professor joins the CIGRAS - Welcome!
CIGRAS welcomes Dr. Hans-Peter Mock, who joins the CIGRAS team as a visiting professor from Germany, as part of the DAAD Johann Gottfried Herder-Program. Dr. Mock will be teaching as part of the Program in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, as well as developing new research projects. Welcome! |
Humboldt Professor 2022
CIGRAS extends its congratulations to Dr. Víctor Jiménez García, researcher and coordinator of the CIGRAS Biotechnology Laboratory; and professor at the School of Agronomy, in the Program in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, for obtaining the Humboldt Professor 2022 recognition. This recognition was given to him due to his great career, recognized both, nationally and internationally. For the official ceremony, Dr. Jiménez presented the inaugural conference entitled "Use of scientific diplomacy to enhance the use of agricultural biodiversity in Mesoamerica". For more information, you can visit the page: Cátedra Humboldt |