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Are you looking for an opportunity to obtain a M.Sc. or Ph.D.?
If so, consider joining our research center!

The Centro para Investigaciones en Granos y Semillas (CIGRAS, Seed and Grain Research Center) at the Universidad de Costa Rica is looking for dedicated and motivated graduate students interested in exploring exciting opportunities in tropical agriculture.
Our research center offers diverse opportunities to work on research projects in the areas of:

At CIGRAS we conduct research on a diverse set of agricultural crops; for example, rice, maize, soybean, coffee, avocado, papaya, pitahaya (dragon fruit) and banana. We are very much committed to research in the area of food security as well as improving the entire production chain from seed to field to postharvest. We are equipped with the latest technologies to maximize research opportunities that have high scientific value.

Examples of possible projects include:

For more information about research opportunities, feel free to contact:

For more information about either the M.Sc. or Ph.D. graduate programs in agricultural sciences at UCR:

For more information about CIGRAS:


Admission Request 
Reference Letter